Etuca Labs | Success Stories

£0 to £110,000 in 4 months with TikTok and Google ads


Website Revenue: £2,846


Website Revenue: £63,948


Website Revenue: £84,905

June - Mid-July

Website Revenue: £110,675


TikTok Ads:
We don't have any special media buying "strategies" when it comes to advertising on TikTok or Snapchat. We focus on the marketing angle, hook, and UGC content. In this case, we used a bit provocative message which resulted in many people leaving angry comments but what it did at the end?

- Attention.
- People are searching brand name, trying to find social proof.

Performance Content Scripts to use:
Google ads:

We tested the following campaigns:

- Performance Max.
- Dynamic Search.
- Standard Shopping.
- Branded Search.
- Display Retargeting.

June 11 - July 10

Conversion Value: £37,689

Cost Per Action: £5.39

Return On Ad Spend: 8.99

P.S. Please consult your marketing expert for personalized e-commerce growth advice.

Never disregard or delay seeking professional marketing expert advice because of something you have read on the internet.
2022-09-01 15:28